How Do I Use RepoSherlock?

RepoSherlock supports two modes of use: - as a standalone application, and - as a module within your python script.

As a standalone application

Once installed, you can use RepoSherlock as a standalone application in your terminal of choice. It supports the following arguments:

  • -h, --help: Shows a help message and exits.
  • --user : Your username on the service from which you want to retrieve data.
  • --token : The token provided to you by your repository service.
  • --target : The repository whose data you want to pull.
  • --type [GitHub|BitBucket]: Your repository management service. Currently, only GitHub is supported.
  • --outdir : The output directory where RepoSherlock should save the queried data.
  • --pages : The maximum number of pages of data to fetch. Default is 1000. Naturally, RepoSherlock will stop once no more data is available.

A typical command using RepoSherlock looks like the following example:

$ reposherlock --user omazhary \
--token <long_alphanumeric_token> \
--target omazhary/reposherlock \
--type GitHub \
--outdir output/.

As a Python module

You can build a python script and use RepoSherlock within it to fetch data on the fly to do with as you please. For instance, if you wanted to create a GitHub client to use in your python script, you would import it as a dependency, and give it the necessary information:

from reposherlock.github import GitHub

client = GitHub('omazhary', 'my_long_alphanumeric_token')
issues = client.get_issues('omazhary/reposherlock', 1000)
pull_requests = client.get_pull_requests('omazhary/reposherlock', 1000)
commits = client.get_commits('omazhary/reposherlock', 1000)

Further documentation can be found here.